02 March 2008

blog spotlight: stuff white people like

I may be a little behind the times, but Stuff White People Like is one of my new favorites. I enjoy the blunt truth sprinkled with a little sarcasm on occasion, and this is the perfect blend of both. I'm going to let some of my favorite posts and their titles to speak for themselves.

#1 Coffee
#38 Arrested Development
#39 Netflix
#72 Study Abroad
#74 Oscar Parties
#78 Multilingual Children

Such a beautiful thing.

27 February 2008

team cotillard

So school has taken over my life encore. Shocking, I know :) but I wanted to break that silence to exclaim how excited I am that Marion Cotillard won her Oscar!!! I was generally a fan of the bits that I managed to watch of the Academy Awards.

Okay, so I actually haven't seen La Vie En Rose (stupid rural theater in stupid rural town), but I was rooting for Marion because she is one of my favorite French actresses, after Jeux d'Enfants and A Very Long Engagement. But to see a French actress get recognized with such an honor thrilled me beyond belief. i've watched the video an embarrassing amount of times now.

more cotillard goodness

elle chant un peu. si belle!

elle remercie en français.

Other good moments, Javier Bardem thanking su máma en español. It thrills my little language nerd heart when I hear languages I know on TV. I actually wish that Marion had said something in French, but eh, next time right? ;)

And in strictly non language related moments, i LOVED that they asked Kristin to sing "That's How You Know". It had been far too long since I had been able to truly partake in Chenowethy goodness, what with Pushing Daisies not having new episodes and all. And her singing training and ability was beautifully showcased by this song :)

Back to studying for my horrendous tests this week.

05 January 2008

daily outfit

I thought it might be fun to do a daily outfit kind of feature. Unfortunately, the same day that I decided that this would be a great venture was the day that I contracted pink eye (the second day of the new year. I am sincerely hoping that this is in no way significant of how 2008 is about to go for me). Anyways, though currently camera shy, I still wanted to show off my (boring but comfy) outfit because the shirt (new new new) is dying to show itself to the world.

yes, those are my real glasses. I have them in green, and they add a fun pop of color to my face. I also added a cell phone since I was earnestly texting whilst shopping (a feat, in case you were wondering). I also considered buying the unlimited text plan for my phone because I'm becoming addicted. Is there a Texters' Anonymous?

I have one glorious week of break freedom all to myself, and tonight I'll begin to plan what to include in my cram session. Isn't that how it always goes? I do believe a sleepover and fondue night are in the works (seperate events for now) but I'm thinking that I need to finish my Hepburnathon (once America's Next Top Model is done on VH1. I must confess, that has been my occupation since New Year's) and ease back into French. I do not wish any of les madames to smack me upside the head for forgetting how to speak French. And two literature courses at that! An intimidating prospect, but a mountain to conquer. Perhaps I will write a haiku or two. An excellent form of poetry, don't you think?

I enjoy baguettes,
Freshly crackling at the touch
Of gentle handlers.

Blizzards are coming.
More whiteness, and all I wish
Is for summer sun.

so wonderful. any haikus I must hear??